An Overview On Not Getting Overwhelmed As A One Man Set Up

Time To Read: 3 minutes

This week has been all about running a business as a one-man-band

As its a Friday, I want to share with you everything we’ve covered this week 


On Monday, we had Huw come on and talk all about his one-man-band fitness business

He has his own little gym and the bottom of his garden where he runs 1-2-1 sessions 

He talked about how he works, how he’s so successful and how he keeps progressing

Did you miss it? Check it out here:


On Tuesday, I shared 5 things that should be in your marketing plan 

1️⃣ The Theme 

2️⃣ Online Lead Gen 

3️⃣ Offline Lead Gen 

4️⃣ Retention 

5️⃣ Development 

Haven’t got your marketing plan sorted yet?

Check out the full post here:


On Wednesday, we talked all about running a business that works for you 

This came down to creating a timetable that suits you 

You mould the business around your lifestyle, don’t let your clients control you! 

Interested in a great set-up one of our clients have? Check it out here:


Lastly, yesterday we covered was knowing your numbers 

If you get your programme pricing wrong, you have a mountain to climb 

So, things to consider include:

Facility costs, VAT, business rates, electric, equipment, broadband, water, insurance, bin collection, myzone, maintenance, staff costs, tax, your own wages 🤯🤯🤯

There is so much that goes into running a successful fitness business 

Get this right, and you’ll be flying! 


So that’s everything we’ve covered this week at FitPro Lead Gen 

I hope you’ve enjoyed it and it’s been helpful

Have a great weekend

David 🙂 

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